Applying sustainable development
principles to financial investments, taking ESG factors into account

Thio Boon Kiat

Group CEO of UOB Asset Management UOBAM (Thailand)

In recent years, the importance of sustainability has been rapidly increasing. At UOBAM, we recognise that we have an important role to play as socially responsible stewards to drive sustainability in the world. The investment community has a key role to play in supporting sustainability and the growing emphasis on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues by channelling capital into sustainable opportunities, while supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). Asset owners and investors have become increasingly committed to ensure that they are investing responsibly and for a greater purpose. Thus, as Asset Managers, we have a responsibility to be socially responsible stewards for the world to look up to and we can play a vital role by offering sustainable investing solutions for both asset owners and investors alike. We believe integrating ESG evaluation into our investment process across all investment asset classes will contribute to performance by enabling us to identify high-quality companies which are resilient, well-managed, able to grow sustainably and are likely to maintain their competitiveness in the long term. By doing so, we can accommodate our clients’ needs to invest for profit and purpose, as we manage their wealth successfully, responsibly, and sustainably. Here at UOBAM, we understand that sustainability is a continuous journey and to have a more tangible contribution to the UN SDGs, we will embed sustainability as a core component of our corporate culture. This will allow us to be active stewards of sustainability, achieve long-term value creation and positive impact to the environment, our communities, and stakeholders. Ultimately, at UOBAM, we invest for profit and purpose whilst shaping a better world for future generations.

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Vana Bulbon

Chief Executive Officer UOBAM (Thailand)

In the past few years, the concept of sustainable corporate development or ESG which stands for Environment, Social and Governance are based on the fact that business operations interact with environment and human social life which has grown in popularity. Hence, to balance how the businesses co-exist with the environment and society, companies could enhance and sustaining their profitability. This includes incorporating the ESG concept in investments to which the investors have been increasingly pay attention. Since UOBAM recognized, with its own vision, the importance of managing the investments within the framework of social responsibility 18 years ago, it has pioneered its investment practice based on the companies’ good corporate governance. This is our commitment to be a leadership in the ESG concept in investment dimensions. UOBAM group and UOBAM (Thailand) has signed the Principles for Responsible Investment with the United Nation Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) in January 2020 publicly demonstrate its commitment to responsible investment and build networks with the parties in the global capital market in advocating collaboration to develop Thailand’s capital market sustainably under the framework of ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance). In September 2021, UOBAM also participated the signing ceremony the statement of commitment for “Sustainable Thailand 2021” which is the collaboration of over 40 organizations among the government, institutional investors, and banks to reinforce Thailand’s financial system in playing a sustainable role in the country development. We believes integrating ESG factors enhances its research and investment methodology, consequently assisting in generating better long-term returns for its investors. In addition, as more Thai and global businesses from a variety of industries assimilate ESG factors into their business processes and aim for long-term sustainable growth, at UOBAM (Thailand) we invest for profit and purpose, towards a sustainable future.

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At UOB Asset Management (UOBAM), our vision is to be a leading fund manager in sustainability in
Asia that creates long - term value and positive impact for our stakeholders whilst enabling sustainable investments accessible for all.

UOBAM’S Sustainable Investment Approach

Article & Activity

Unpacking the model that transformed Thailand Develop towards sustainability with ESG concepts.



Click : https://www.uobam.co.th/th/publication/download/361

Get to know SRI Fund, a fund for sustainability.



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Green Hydrogen, a clean and safe source of green energy.



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ESG is gaining strength, overtaking every trend.



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Explore future investment themes grow together sustainably



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13 interesting things about ESG



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Explore 7 hot ESG trends



Click : https://www.uobam.co.th/th/publication/download/314

An important step in ESG investing



Click : https://www.uobam.co.th/th/publication/download/312

Carbon Tax , a new world trade regulation



Click: https://www.uobam.co.th/th/publication/download/305

Build a sustainable organization. The key to attracting employees.



Click: https://www.uobam.co.th/th/publication/download/301

ESG investment trend is not just a theme, it's a new criterion for selecting quality businesses for fund portfolios.



Click: https://fb.watch/lqe5gxJ9sN/?mibextid=5Ufylb


  • Currently, UESG and UTSEQ-THAIESG funds are approved by SEC. As a mutual fund for sustainability according to the criteria set by SEC.
  • USI , USUSRMF and USUS funds that invest in ESG theme. At present, this mutual fund is not been approved by the securities and exchange commission (SEC).


United Sustainable Credit Income Fund


United Sustainable Equity Solution Fund RMF


United Equity Sustainable Global Fund


United Sustainable Equity Solution Fund - Unitholder Fund


United Thai Sustainable Equity Fund - THAIESG